Dancing at a Contra Dance

Read the Tallahassee Democrat's article about us

Join Us for Great Contra Dances!

usually Second and Fourth Fridays of Each Month
(see schedule below)

7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
2nd Floor Ballroom
Old Armory/Tallahassee Senior Center
1400 N. Monroe St.

Beginners welcome; you don't need to bring a partner.

Those new to contra dancing are strongly encouraged to come at 7:15, when a Beginner Orientation will be taught, and as dances are taught in more detail early in the evening.

Admission cost for regular dances: 
$10 for Adults,  $9 Seniors over 50, $6 for Students,  Free
for Kids under 12
(higher prices may be charged for special dances)

Currently, Tallahassee dances are two and a half hours long, with a 10 minute breakBring snacks to share!

If you are experiencing the signs of having Covid, the flu or any other illness, please do not attend these dances.  Attendees may wear masks if they wish.

                                                    Conduct Guidelines


Dance Schedule
and other events of note

All events in Tallahassee unless otherwise noted

(Hometowns of out-of-town bands and callers
are shown in parentheses)

Date Band Caller
February 14
The Runaway Biscuits Vicki Morrison
February 28
Wild Bill's Traveling Circus
Drew Thomas
March 14
The Flathead String Band
Joey Norton
March 28
The Greasy String Bnad
Rachel Flemming
April 11
In Cahoots
Vicki Morrison
April 25
Katie's Contradiction Drew Thomas
May 9
The Bunny Bread Bandits
Rachel Flemming

In addition to local dances, there are contra dances in or near Gainesville, Jacksonville, Tampa, Titusville and elsewhere.  Click here for more info.

There is also an English Country Dance in Tallahassee.  Click here for details.

We suggest you come to the Old-Time Jams and the Irish Jam, all at the Blue Tavern, where you can listen to fine music, get some food and drink, and maybe dance with a partner a little!  The Jams are often held outdoors on the back patio.  Click here for more info.

Last revised 2/11/25